About The Curator

Hi! I'm The Curator. Sounds pretty fancy, doesn't it?! Don't worry, you can always just call me TC for short! Well, unfortunately, even though I'm going to take my reviews and explanations particularly seriously, it's difficult for me to give similar treatment to myself. I'm pretty goofy as you might notice given the pastel color hell you have just entered. Anyway, I started this site because I realized that, while there are fairly good resources out there for keeping track of vaporwave albums and releases, a lot of them have been abandoned with the genre and culture becoming increasingly barren. Perhaps, in a weird way, I view myself as one of the few people attempting to try and catalog the info I can before time begins slipping away at this thing that I love. Maybe I just want an excuse to listen to as many vaporwave albums as possible. It's probably a bit of both plus an obsesssion with needing to write and publish junk. I know I haven't explained a whole lot, but forgive me for rambling.

I got into vaporwave sometime around 2015-2016. I couldn't tell you what album first got me hooked, but it was a slow burn. I had difficulty appreciating more avant-garde pieces of expression due to being around a lot of people with particularly closed views of what constitutes valid forms of art. Vaporwave means a lot to me because it was one of my first exposures to art that existed outside of excessively closed gates. In a world of walls, Vaporwave was an open window. I think I lied earlier. My true purpose is probably closer to one of giving back to a subculture that I think gave so much to so many and to not allow its many diamonds in the rough to go without a bit of acknowledgement and recognition. I think I chose The Curator as pseudonym because deep down, I don't believe any of these pieces should be thrown away.